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Episode 1

Aug 24, 2019

Follow Fiona, Couch and Camilla as they discover the Assassin’s Guild for the first time in this episode!


Quick side note: The first session (we call it session 0) was not recorded, so don’t get confused when the first episode mentions a previous session! If you would like a quick outline of what happened in the session, click here

Episode 2

Aug 24, 2019

In this episode, the party meets some interesting people in the cafeteria, obviously.


Episode 3

Aug 24, 2019

This episode answers a lot of questions the characters have, and raise some new ones too! Couch starts to question the Guild Master, and they get some answers out of Stocking as well.

Episode 4

Sep 29, 2019

In this episode, the party gets into a little trouble at the cafeteria! Listen as Camilla avoids her date, Fiona becomes a higher authority, Couch throws eggs, and Stocking is a little boy.

Episode 5

Sep 29, 2019

The gang feels a little cramped underground in the Guild, so they head outside! Follow the party as Camilla falls in love, Fiona wants a snake, and Couch gets laid.

Episode 6

Sep 29, 2019

After some quick fitness training, the assassin training is taken outside! Listen as Fiona falls on her face, Camilla sucks at literally everything, Couch learns to fly, and how Stocking can afford all his bread he eats.

Episode 7

Dec 1, 2019

The Meanies have been joined by a new party member: Same Hat, played by Noah! Listen as the party gets themselves in all sort of trouble, as they learn some new assassin skills, Couch becomes a ventriloquist, Same has a (little) crush on Stocking, Camilla buys some fancy cloaks, Stocking gets a dead pigeon, Fiona sings Frozen, and the lunch ladies desperately search for change.

Episode 8

Dec 1, 2019

This week the party gets a romantic dinner in the Cafeteria! Listen as Couch gets pecked alive by chickens, Same accidentally plays footsies with Camilla, Camilla kicks him, Fiona kills her firstborn child, and the lunch ladies make a spaghetti noodle dish.

Episode 9

Dec 1, 2019

Finally, some action! This week, the party gets into some trouble with a rival gang, Stocking becomes a leader, the guild-master gains a new pigeon friend, Same gets big, and the party fights as they hold out for a hero 'til the end of the night.

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