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What Happened in Session 0

We were careless, and forgot to record the first session. Not that much happened, so we decided to call it Session 0, since all it did was set up the setting for the players.


Here’s an outline of what happened:


  • The party is all at the house of the well-known noble family Meralen, for one reason or another.

    • Fiona was there watching the family

    • Camilla was hired to assassinate the noble family’s newborn son

    • Couch was busking outside, but now has retreated to a near-by alleyway for the night

  • Fiona enters the alleyway and climbs a roof opposite the house, to look inside the 2nd story window.

    • She succeeds on an acrobatics check and jumps through the 2nd story window, into the newborn’s chamber (as well as the parent’s room).

    • She sneaks into the hallway of the home and explores some of the rooms in the big house.

  • Camilla enters the alley and plans to go through the 2nd story window, into the baby’s chamber.

    • As Camilla jumps through a window on the 2nd floor of the house, Fiona is already inside looking around.

  • They soon realize that the head of the house Sir and Lady Meralen are inside, as well as the newborn.

  • As they sneak around, neither of them know the other is in the house.

    • At one point, they both hide under the same bed, but at different times

  • All while this is happening, Couch and his pet chicken Shelissa are outside getting ready to sleep for the night.

  • Little do they know, someone watches them in the dark desert night, waiting for them to emerge from the house.

  • Couch goes first, he spots the figure approaching him from the north of the alleyway.

    • The figure emerges and looks like a young human boy by the age of 17 or 18, with a curly mop of blond hair and blushy cheeks.

    • He introduces himself with a shaky pre-pubescent voice as Stocking.

    • He urges Couch to follow him around the north corner of the alleyway, which Couch agrees with.

    • As soon as Couch turns the corner though, he is knocked unconscious using some sort of spell.

  • Fiona is second.

    • When Fiona is done snooping around the house, she escapes though the window she came through, just as the parents walk into the room. (Camilla at the moment, is hiding under that bed).

    • Fiona finds herself in the alleyway, and notices that the little dwarf she saw before was gone. Instead, she sees the figure (known as Stocking) approach her from the north.

    • He introduces himself, and tells Fiona to follow him, because he was ordered to find her by someone.

    • Fiona agrees and gets blinded and stunned by magic around the corner (since she is a half-elf and is immune to magic putting her to sleep).

  • Finally, Camilla emerges from the house after waiting for the parents to be asleep and sneaking out the window. She was unsuccessful with the assassination.

    • She gets approached by who we know as Stocking. Camilla is already familiar with him though, because he was the one who hired her in the first place to assassinate the baby.

    • Stocking informs her that she was tested on her skills, and to follow him around the corner for her payment.

    • She agrees, and gets knocked unconscious.

  • The party wakes up in a big room with towering sandstone walls. In the middle of the room, there are steps that lead to a platform with a throne in the middle. with a taller ceiling forming a dome with light coming from above. A Drow stands in front of the throne, drenched in dark grey robes and looking very old and stern. Stocking stands next to the party, looking attentive, waiting for the Drow to speak.

    • The Drow introduces himself as Guild master Taile Grey. He welcomes the party, and tells them that they are in the headquarters for the Guild of Assassins.

    • He invites the party to join the guild, telling them that they will be trained into master assassins if they do. He says that they are guaranteed money, even if the customer does not pay, as well as no ties to the customer or the assassination at all. So even when the murder is found, there are no ties back to the assassinator or who else was there.

    • The party agrees, because the other option is death (I mean, they could try to escape from a guild of trained master assassins, but there were no upsides to that).

    • Excited, Stocking leads the party to their dorm rooms, and tells them that training starts the next morning.

      • Camilla’s room number is 210

      • Fiona’s room number is 212

      • Couch’s room number is 213

      • Stocking also informs the party of his own room number, which is 203.

    • We learn some things about Stocking too, like how he likes to crochet, and that he made a small, forest-green sweater for Shelissa.

    • All of the player’s rooms have equipment provided specially for them, with Couch having supplies for Shelissa (bed, bird feed, etc.), Fiona having bookshelves with books on spells and history, and Camilla having a wardrobe with extravagant clothing inside.

  • We end this session when the party goes to bed in their new dorm rooms, ready to face the assassin’s training in the morning…

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